Food Journal

May 11, 2005

Things I did today

Filed under: books,Me Myself and I — Heather @ 9:04 pm

Things I did for others today:
1. I stayed home for Crash and played about a zillion games of UNO Attack
2. I helped Crash plant his petunias
3. I helped Bump make a rocket
4. I went to dinner with Brad without the kids despite really wanting to stay home and read my book.

Things I did for myself today:
1. I went back to bed after sending Brad and Bump off to school and work
2. I read 3 chapters of my book

Things I did to make the world prettier:
1. Planted herbs, flowers and rosebushes
2. Watered my trees
3. Deadheaded my rosebushes—until I saw two huge, hairy, creepy spiders on them and FREAKED out! I hate hairy spiders!
4. Posted pictures of my beautiful children to my blog 🙂

Brad and I were supposed to go to dinner with this salesman tonight. Well, the salesman’s plane was full so he called us and told us to go eat at this steakhouse without him and that he had already called and told them he was paying. We got to the steakhouse and it was some hole-in-the-wall mom and pop place. We were a little afraid, but decided to brave it. Turns out it was like a K-Bob’s only not as good—if you can imagine that. So, it was pretty nasty but at least we got to eat dinner together and have adult conversation without any interruptions.

Now we are watching Smallville–a guilty pleasure. It is kind of a teeny bopper show, but we love Superman and this is the story of Superman’s teenage years. Lex Luther is still a good guy in this series.

I am reading a book called “A Voice in the Wind.” It is a historical Christian novel that my best friend gave me to read. I like it, but it is set in Ancient Rome when there were gladiators who fought to the death in the arena and captives–especially Christians–were murdered or killed by wild animals while Roman citizens watched and cheered. I have no stomach for violence. I do not watch violent movies and I am having a hard time reading this book. I am about halfway through it though and it is very interesting.

Apparently, our dress code committee at work has decided that from Easter until September we no longer have to wear pantyhose or socks if we do not want to. What a relief–pantyhose make my butt itch and I am certain they are capable of causing crotch-rot. Not very couth–I know. Spare me your shocked outbursts.

Here is one of my favorite parts of The Art of Mending. The author is talking about gingko biloba and how she and some other ladies she knows take it to improve their memory.

“A friend of mine had recently said about gingko biloba, “I think whatever-that-stuff-is-called works great. I just keep forgetting to take it.” Another friend told me about a time she’d answered her cell phone and told her girlfriend, who was the caller, that she was in the parking lot of ger doctor’s office, getting ready to go in for an appointment, but she was early; she had some time to talk. They chatted for a while and then the woman happened to look down into her purse at the empty carrier for her cell phone. She told her friend, “Dammit, I lost my cell phone.” Wait. It gets worse. The friend says, “Well, let’s retrace your steps.”

I laughed so hard at that passage. I could just see Angie and I doing that. I could see Brenda doing it, but she would blame it on Alzheimer’s instead of just admitting she had a blonde moment.

1 Comment »

  1. I might do that, but I would rarely loose something right in my hand. I would more likely spend hours looking for something like my keys that was right on the kitchen table.

    Comment by Brenda — May 14, 2005 @ 10:24 pm | Reply

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